When a person speaks an A language, the interpreter then takes care of translating it into a B language. This is called interpretation. It is a way of verbally translating a speech, unlike translation which consists of transcribing a conversation or a written text in one or more languages.

There are two types of interpreting: simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting. These two concepts are quite distinct, although they have great similarities. Discover the difference between simultaneous and consecutive interpreting in this section!

Definition of simultaneous interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is defined as a translation technique frequently used at international conferences. It allows all participants without distinction to understand the speech delivered and to exchange with the other stakeholders. This method consists of placing the interpreter in an isolated and soundproof booth so that he can proceed with the interpretation. The cabin gives a view of the conference room and, thus, of each speaker. Headphones and an interpreter microphone are installed there.

This equipment allows the interpreter to listen carefully to the speech and translate it into the desired language. For their part, the participants hear the interpreter via their headsets and obtain an interpretation of the speech delivered in an instant. This interpretation takes just a few seconds, hence its name “simultaneous interpretation”. Simultaneous interpreting is not a job for all interpreters.

Indeed, it is essential to know the source language well and to have a good knowledge of the subject in question to work as a simultaneous interpreter. In addition, you must have the following qualities to occupy such a position: ● Good ability to concentrate;

● Good speech;

● An excellent memory;

● Rigor;

● Impartiality;

● Punctuality;

● A beautiful voice;

● A good general culture.

Definition of consecutive interpreting

Consecutive interpreting, on the other hand, is not instantaneous interpreting, since the interpreter intervenes only after the speech of the speaker. He takes note of the speech delivered before translating it. It only intervenes when the speaker stops speaking. This type of interpreting is carried out in fairly short speeches, which last about 10 to 15 minutes. The interpreter first asks the speaker to stop after one or two sentences. However, the length of the speech to be interpreted depends entirely on the interpreter’s ability to memorize.

Compared to simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting does not require the memory of an elephant. In addition, the risk of omission is low. This technique leaves only a tiny margin of interpretation. It is the interpretation technique adapted in the context of communication between a doctor and his patient, or between a salesperson and his client.

The difference between simultaneous and consecutive interpreting

The interpreter intervenes when two people fail to communicate because of the difference in languages. He must faithfully translate the expressions, feelings and intentions of a person in order to facilitate the understanding of his interlocutor. But to achieve this, this professional must know the difference between simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting. Before choosing the type of interpretation, it is advisable to take note of this notable difference between simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation.

● In short, consecutive interpreting makes it possible to limit omissions, ambiguities and misinterpretations. It is a method of interpretation suitable for those seeking absolute accuracy. This technique is considered a necessary phase for the initiation of simultaneous interpreting. This is the best alternative if you are looking for a good quality of interpretation.

● For those looking for a faster method of interpretation, simultaneous interpretation is best suited. It is a way to exchange fluidly in real time, since it is not necessary to accumulate information before translating a speech. In the context of simultaneous interpretation, the interpreter is not exhausted, since his intervention is generally short. On the other hand, this professional must have an excellent memory, because he is not able to repeat a sentence or a question. As he is isolated in his interpreting booth, he must therefore be very responsive.

DSP Tech: your specialist in the sale of simultaneous interpretation equipment

DSP Tech is a technical support, interpretation and simultaneous interpretation equipment rental company. If you are looking for a competent interpreter or equipment to rent, contact the company and get a free quote for each service offered. Its offerings include portable configuration cabins and fixed installations. You can also find there:

● Portable interpreter kits;

● Various types of interpretation equipment system receiver;

● Various interpreter microphone models;

● Wireless receiver models;

● Models of whispering equipment;

● Helmets. Find wireless devices benefiting from the latest technological innovations among the proposals of DSP Tech.

Each interpreter or tourist guide must be well equipped before each conference. To provide quality simultaneous interpretation services, find your equipment at DSP Tech. The company offers various offers of simultaneous interpretation equipment. It owes the variety of its offers to its many collaborations with approved suppliers and professional manufacturers.